3D Prints of transverse slices from the National Library of Medicine Visible Human Project (Male)

A consumer grade 3D printer (MakerBot Replicator 2) was used to make 3D prints of representative slices of the male cadaver used by the National Library of Medicine for the Visible Human Project (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html). Select any arrow below to see a 3D print made from the transverse slice of the cadaver at that level. These 3D prints are being made so that they can be used to make tactile learning obects to enable the blind or visually impaired student to learn by touch and feel what sighted students can see when accessing the many excellent digital interactive programs made available with the Visible Human image database. The image under the arrows was obtained from a YouTube video published by the NCINational Facility in Australia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU4Xx_p2Z80).

3D prints of slices made from that level of head in the National Library of Medicine Visible Human Project (Male).

For more information, contact Mike Kolitsky, Ph.D. at mkolitsky@nextgenemedia.com

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